Tuesday, March 21, 2017

The gray cloud

2 months ago

3 am: A cold January morning and I'm half asleep and suddenly I'm woken up to a warm wet feeling on my head. It smelt strangely funky. Oh shit! It's pee!

After running to the bathroom and washing my head with shampoo, I found the pee-er/the offender looking at me with a curious expression and demanding to be let out of the house.

The said pee-er is my furry faced grey haired kitten, Rani aka Ronnie aka .... You can never have ONLY one name for a cat/dog, can you? It depends on how sweet or how naughty they are.

Rani at 5 months.
We got Rani just before the new year in December 2016. She came into my life and everything changed. I wake up at odd hours, try napping on the sofa and worry about her next doctor's appointment and wonder if she's eating well.
At some point in life it's important to have a pet and I'm enjoying it! (It's exasperating at times.)

6 am: Rani's wake up time. Ok, let me correct it. 5 am. No wait! It was 4-30 am 2 weeks ago. Nah, you have to wake up when she wakes up. Or she's going to bite your toes, fingers or mew loudly in your ear, or she'll walk on your pillow or on you. After she wakes you up, she'll rub against your legs with every step you take to the kitchen (she secretly wants you to trip especially when you're groggy eyed at some weird hour). After you drop a cup of Whiskas cat food into her bowl, the spoilt child will eat it noisily, spilling a few of the stuff on the floor.

6-15 am: It's toilet time! Despite my best efforts, I can't get her to look at me while she's taking a dump. Whistling, name calling, clapping - nothing works.

Flashback: My mother and her sisters have had plenty of cats in their teens and even later. So, most of the cat advice usually comes from them. All their cats have had interesting personalities - some having weird tastes like dosas, some were great hunters whereas some were born cuddlers.

So when suddenly in January when Rani was acting strange it was unnerving. She used to pee on all the sofas, the bed and mew endlessly all night. When I asked my mother about it she said it may be because we aren't at home most of the time and she's alone and feels lonely and unloved. I was unconvinced as we used to cuddle her and give her a lot of 'love'. A few days later I looked up the signs on a pet website and it was a surprise. Rani was in heat.

We immediately went to the vet and asked if it was possible to have her spayed. The vet looked her up and said she's about 4 and half months and we could have her spayed. We didn't want Rani to have babies of her own as we used to have a cat earlier whose kittens we had to give away and it wasn't a nice thing to do. I guess having her spayed is also not the nice thing to do but it's lesser of the two evils.

After the operation Rani recovered quickly. She was trying to get up an hour after the operation. And then I knew, this girl is a fighter and has a mind of her own. The anti biotics given were strong and caused a lot of loose stools but it didn't affect her perkiness and her attitude of playing with anything and everything.

February 2017: Rani likes to explore the outdoors and never misses an opportunity to bolt out as soon as the door is opened. She does that even now though the windows are open. After she recovered completely from her surgery, we used to let her out of the house. One Sunday we let her out at usual at about 1 in the afternoon and till 6 pm we didn't see any sign of her. It was worrying and we went out to look for her. There was no sign of her anywhere even 6 houses away. After searching till 10 we gave up and prayed she came back home safely. I couldn't forgive myself for not going out to look for her earlier.

At 4-30 the next morning we heard familiar mews and found her hopping in through the window. The girl is back! After cuddling her for a good 10 minutes we gave her food and then checked to see if she was hurt. I picked her up and there was a strange creaking sound and she had strange marks near the ribs. A visit to the vet confirmed it. The little tyke had broken her ribs. It still didn't matter to her though the vet advised complete rest. She was still jumping around and didn't really care despite our anguished 'ayyyeeee' every time she jumped and ran. I'm hoping ribs all fine now. If I could I'd stick it with superglue.

Rani's growth has been fast. Every time I get back from work and open the door I can't help myself saying - "Hasn't she put on weight?" This isn't really welcome by the wife and the mother who give me dirty looks every time I say it.

Sleeping scenes
Rani maintains an active life of sleeping, eating, shitting, playing with cockroaches apart from generally being a pest during the mornings.

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